Friday, April 17, 2009

How to get to Heaven?

So, I am writing a book!! I am excited about this project, Project Go To Heaven! And I need ALL of YOU to help me, Please! Come on, it will be fun! I am wanting to know how a very large amount of people believe that one gets into Heaven. So this is what I need. I would like you to write to me and answer a few questions, you may stay anonymous if you like or you may add your name. I WILL NOT put your name in my book AT ALL without YOUR permission. And I will NOT share your information with anyone.

So you can highlight these questions, add them to your e-mail, answer them and send it right to me at my e-mail. My e-mail is and I WILL NOT be sharing this information with anyone else.

1. What is your current belief or unbelief in God?

2. What religion are you?

3. Are you the same religion that you were when you grew up? If not how is it different?

4. Do you believe in Heaven?

5. What is your belief of how Heaven is?

6. Do you believe in Hell?

7. What is your belief of how Hell is?

8. How often do you attend Church?

9. What kind of Church do you attend?

10. How often do you pray?

11. Who do you direct your prayers to?

12. Religiously who is the most significant to you?

13. Do you want to go to Heaven?

14. Are you afraid of dying?

15. Do you believe you will go to Heaven?

16. Are you male or female?

16. What is your age?

17. What is your occupation?

18. What do you believe about religions outside of your own?

19. Have you based your choice of religion on YOUR own research?

20. How do YOU believe one gets into Heaven?

21. Would you like your name added to my book? Yes or No, but please note that I may choose not to do so even if you say yes.

Now I will be doing some fun things here to get everyone motivated into helping me out!

The first thing is I will be offering a prize to the first person that has 10 other people e-mail me with these questions answered! You must have those 10 people tell me, "your name" sent them, and they must have answered the questions!

I will let you know more about the prize soon!

So get answering the questions and look forward to being a part of my book!

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